Spring end 2017 Updates

It is fact, I never would imagined 2017 would be so absolutely adventurous. Every since the moment I started posting PLASMA chapters, my world has started expanding. I ended 2016 and began 2017 deep in the infinite lands of East Africa. I started in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique but spend a majority of my time on the trip in Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Zanzibar. After 3 months in Africa I realized something I'd never realized before, that my life is limitless in connectivity to the world and absolutely seamless in limitless possibility. Because of this realization I have found myself continuously on the edge of limitation while possessing the confidence to be unafraid to push past mental boundaries, which has resulted in ground breaking fruition that expands in a myriad of directions.

The Great Sphinx - Cairo, Egypt

The Great Sphinx - Cairo, Egypt

In the following lines I will share with snippets of what has been experienced this year in this newly explored world of possibilities and thus what is leading to the expansion of PLASMA worlds.

00.3106. Professor

When I returned to San Francisco after my trip to Africa I took a professor position at the Academy of Art University. Spring 2017 semester was full of expansion on all levels, for not only the 60+ students that I instructed in the 5 classes and 2 workshops I lead but also for myself. I learned so much from the students, they revitalized the child like imagination that propels my ideas from dreams to fruition. I am so thankful for the opportunity to take on that workload and how everything came together so wonderfully at the end of the semester. All the students grew in artistic understanding and technique in video game design and art development. Mission accomplished.

00.3107. Exploration

Though I was in Africa at the beginning of 2017 I was far from complete in my interests and explorations of the continent (I hope I never find completion with the amazing world off Africa) so after the spring school semester completed I booked a trip to North Africa, Egypt to be exact. The plan was to explore and do research for PLASMA in Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia for 2 months. Everything was well underway as far as travel plans go, yet there was one unexpected opportunity that presented itself, that opportunity changed everything and just like that my trip went from 2 months to 2 weeks.

Temple of Karnack - Luxor, Egypt

Temple of Karnack - Luxor, Egypt

00.3108. Oculus LaunchPad

The opportunity at hand that changed it all came from Oculus. I was accepted into their launchpad program, which is essentially a summer incubator that is designed to stimulate the creation of projects in VR, for me the focus is a real-time PLASMA experience demo in virtual reality. Imagine putting on the legendary Oculus headset and immediately being teleported into a whole new world? A world of PLASMA, deep rooted in alien jungle growth, creatures and absolute danger.

00.3109. PLASMA

Throughout all of these adventures I have been progressively writing new chapters for PLASMA. Mixing together different paths and outcomes to keep the story not only interesting but also unpredictable. I'll have you know, its a very interesting experience to surprise one's self, and its been great exploring different exercises to accomplish that. Here is a snippet from an illustration painted by the fantastic Juncheng Li, this illustration is for one of the upcoming chapters. Hope you enjoy.



What is not as fun is finding a reliable editor. I have grown to realize that I need 1 or 2 brilliant consistent editors. Consistent is the key word in the last sentence, I have learned that every editor has their own voice and way of interpreting work, they are literally unique filters that my writing has to go through, and when it comes out on the other side, its a mix of their thought process and mind joined together. So its very important I find a solid editor, for the quality of consistency of the writing and the flow of the story.

I have a solid 8 new chapters just waiting to be shared with you, but they need editing. I am in action and sure I will have an editor soon. also, if you know an awesome editor then I would love to join the team then please let me know as.


Upcoming, Many updates are on the horizon, in the form of story of updates and game experience updates. As you can see I have changed this section's name from author's notes to Developer's Blog. All this summer's updates will be shared here. Prepare to continue to be teleported in more ways than one deep inside the world of PLASMA!

Cheers. -Anwar Bey



Anwar Bey-Taylor